Embarking on an MBA journey is a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. It’s not uncommon for prospective students to wonder, “Can you defer MBA admission?” The answer is yes, many MBA programs do allow deferrals, but the specifics can vary from school to school. This article will delve into the details of deferring MBA admission, the reasons why you might consider it, and the potential challenges you may face.

Understanding MBA Admission Deferrals

Deferring MBA admission means requesting the school to postpone your admission to a later date. This could be for a semester or even a year. The reasons for deferring are diverse and can range from personal to professional challenges. For instance, you might want to gain more work experience, deal with a family emergency, or simply need more time to prepare for the rigours of an MBA program.

The Process of Deferring MBA Admission

The process of deferring your MBA admission varies depending on the school. Some schools have a formal deferral process, while others handle deferrals on a case-by-case basis. It’s crucial to check with the specific MBA program you’re interested in to understand their deferral policy.

Is Deferred MBA More Competitive?

Deferred MBA programs can be more competitive due to the limited number of spots available. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be discouraged from applying. If you have a compelling reason for deferring and can demonstrate your commitment to the program, you stand a good chance of being granted a deferral.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Deferral

If you’re considering deferring your MBA admission, there are several steps you can take to improve your chances. First, make sure your application is as strong as possible. This might involve retaking exams, securing additional recommendation letters, or providing proof of proficiency in certain areas.

Second, follow the school’s protocol regarding additional materials for deferred applicants. This could include sending a concise “letter of continued interest” to the admissions office. However, avoid pestering the admissions office with frequent contact.

Stay Hopeful, But Also Realistic

Being deferred or waitlisted does not mean denial. It’s important to stay hopeful but also realistic. Consider other options and schools, and remember that an MBA is a significant commitment. The extra time you gain from a deferral could be used to better prepare yourself for the program, ultimately enhancing your MBA experience.


Deferring an MBA admission is possible and can be a strategic move depending on your circumstances. However, it’s crucial to understand the specifics of the deferral policy of the MBA program you’re interested in and to strengthen your application as much as possible to increase your chances of being granted a deferral.

Are you looking for guidance with regard to MBA programs, deferral policy considerations, or looking strengthen your application? Reach out to our administrative staff today at +1 (866) 923-311