Are you looking to transfer from your current university, or use the credits from a completed degree to gain access to a new educational program? Moving from one post-secondary institution to another is actually fairly easy to do, although it is not always straightforward. You can transfer from your current course to a different one at International Business University (IBU), provided you have the necessary credits and your existing qualification is relevant to the path you are looking to go down. Let’s take a look at how it works.
What Are Transfer Credits?
When you make the move from one university to another, you need to transfer the credits you have accumulated in your current course to the program you want to join. We refer to these moveable credits as transfer credits. They are course credits that are moved from one program, department or university to another. Transfers could happen either vertically or horizontally. Vertical transfers involve the transfer of credits from a lower qualification to a higher one. Horizontal transfers move from one program to another on the same academic level.
Essentially, transfer credits allow the recognition of the learning you have already completed, so that you don’t have to repeat course material after your move. They stand as proof of the amount of knowledge you have already acquired. They help save you time and ensure that you don’t spend unnecessary time and effort repeating learning you have already completed.
Eligibility Criteria for Credit Transfer Process
Each institution and program will have a different set of requirements when it comes to transfer credits. If you were to transfer to the MBA program at IBU, for example, you would need to have obtained at least a ‘B’ grade (at least 73%) in your previous course. There would need to be an essential equivalency in course content, scope and depth between the two courses, in order for the credits to qualify for transfer from the previous course to the new one. The number of credits that can be transferred is capped – usually at around half the credits required to complete the new program. If you transfer to our MBA program, you can transfer a maximum of 21 credits, which means you then have to earn the remaining 21 credits by completing the relevant coursework. With the BCOMm course, you can transfer up to 60 credits toward the completion of the 120-credit degree.
There are several other criteria to keep in mind if you plan to transfer your credits to a new program:
- There is a limit on the time that has passed since you acquired your current qualification or credits. If it has been more than, say, five years since you completed the old course material, those credits may not qualify for transfer. You will need to present a transcript that proves the age of your current credits, and include relevant information about the course(s) you have taken.
- The two courses must be sufficiently similar in content, providing skills and learning in related fields. The previous course must be relevant to your new program. For example, if you acquired a BA in Fine Art, your credits will probably not be transferrable to a BCOM degree course.
Benefits of Transfer Credits from Colleges
The primary benefit of credit transfers is that they allow students to receive credits toward their degrees, meaning they can reduce the time it would take them to finish their courses. With credit transfers, students can customize their learning according to their specific needs and career objectives. They can work at their own pace, and take additional courses where necessary. Since it saves you time, it also helps you reduce your education costs.
Transferring colleges gives students an opportunity to add dynamism and variety to their education, experiencing a greater variety of programs and approaches in different institutions. Transfer credits also provide flexibility. If a student is not entirely happy with their current course or college, they have the opportunity to shift to a new program and location that might suit them better.
How to Transfer Credits for BCOM and MBA
IBU welcomes all students looking to transfer their current or past credits to one of our degree or diploma programs, provided they meet the necessary requirements. Our courses give you the opportunity to graduate with enhanced knowledge, skills and problem-solving experience to prepare you for roles in a variety of sectors – private or public.
If you plan to transfer your credits to qualify for a BCOM or MBA course at IBU, start by contacting our Admissions department and checking the requirements. You will need to fill out a Credit Transfer Request Form so the eligibility of your current credits can be assessed and they can then be allocated appropriately. Feel free to contact us if you need any more information about credit transfers and any other matter relating to our courses. We look forward to facilitating the next steps in your academic career.